Small Claims

Filing Fees

Service by Certified Mail - $20.50 filing fee, plus an additional $10.00 per defendant for service.

Service by Sheriff's Office - $20.50 filing fee, plus a money order made out to the Phelps County Sheriff's Department for $30.00 per defendant. **If service is to be made in a county other than Phelps, the petitioner will need to check with the Sheriff of that county for their charge for service**

Service by Special Process Server - $20.50 filing fee. Contact process server for service price and pay server directly. You may contact the Circuit Clerk's Office for a list of process servers.

Court Forms for Small Claims Court may be retrieved by clicking the appropriate button below. If you need further assistance or explanation, please view the link at the bottom of this page or contact our office.


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For more information about each form, please visit the link above.






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